How Often Should You Setup Your Guitar: Key Facts Revealed!

The sweet symphony of a well-tuned guitar! Every strum sends a ripple of delight through the core of one’s being. But, a question often asked among novices and seasoned players is, “How Often Should You Setup Your Guitar?” Well, let’s embark on a little exploratory journey to unravel this mystery.

In this article, I’ll reveal everything you need to know about when to set up your guitar to maintain its charm and optimal performance.

If you’re in a hurry, you can click here to go directly to how to recognize if your guitar needs a setup.

The Short Answer

Most guitars need a setup every three to six months, especially if they are played frequently. If your guitar is older or if the weather changes a lot, it might need a setup every three to four months. Whether you learn to set up your guitar or visit a professional, regular setups keep your guitar happy and your music sounding sweet.

Keep On Reading (Below) To Learn More

Factors Influencing Setup Frequency

The frequency of guitar setups isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. Various factors come into play, each with its own set of implications. Understanding these can provide a clearer perspective on how often you should pamper your guitar with a setup.

How Often You Play

How often do you find yourself lost in the strings, letting the melodies flow? The more frequently you play, the more attention your guitar craves. Regular play tends to affect the guitar’s components; the strings may wear out, the neck might get a little out of shape due to the constant tension, and the frets may wear down, especially if you have a heavy hand.

The oils and sweat from your fingers can also take a toll on the strings and the fretboard. It’s akin to a well-loved car; the more miles you put on it, the more maintenance it requires to keep running smoothly.

Hence, if your guitar is your daily companion, a setup might be warranted more frequently, perhaps every three to six months. Even if you don’t play your guitar regularly, changing the strings every twelve months is a good idea.

Guitar Age

Older guitars, much like vintage wine, have a unique charm. However, they may demand a bit more tender loving care. Over the years, the wood tends to warp, and the metal parts may corrode or wear out.

The changing shape of the wood could affect the neck relief, action, and intonation. Keeping a close eye on older guitars and providing them with the care they need to continue aging gracefully is essential.

They might require more frequent setups, possibly every three to four months, to keep them in top-notch condition.

Environmental Conditions

Ever noticed how your guitar behaves differently as the seasons change? The wood is a natural material and reacts to changes in temperature and humidity. In humid conditions, the wood might swell, and in dry conditions, it might contract.

These changes can affect the guitar’s setup, causing the neck to bow or the action to change.

It’s advisable to store your guitar in a controlled environment to minimize the effects of external conditions. However, if that’s not possible, you might find that a seasonal setup, aligning with the changes in weather, could be beneficial to ensure your guitar remains in harmony with itself.

Venturing into the realm of guitar setups opens up a path of deeper connection with your musical companion. It’s about understanding the intricacies that contribute to its essence. Now, whether to take the DIY route or seek professional help is a question that often arises.

When To Do It Yourself

Diving into the world of guitar setups can be both enlightening and rewarding. Simple adjustments can often be done with a basic set of tools and a good instructional guide. Adjusting the action or even fixing the intonation are tasks that can be undertaken with a bit of guidance and patience.

Truss rod adjustments usually require more experience to avoid complications and damage to your guitar.

It’s about taking baby steps into the world of guitar maintenance, each step enhancing your understanding and appreciation of your instrument. However, the DIY route demands a gentle touch, a good ear, and a willingness to learn.

When To Seek Professional Help

There comes a point where the expertise and experience of a professional are invaluable. Complex issues like fret leveling, nut replacement, or electrical problems are tasks best left to the seasoned hands of a professional.

Seeking professional help ensures that your guitar is treated with the care and expertise it deserves. It’s also a learning opportunity, a chance to observe, ask questions, and glean insights from a professional’s experience.

The cost of a professional setup is an investment in ensuring your guitar performs at its best, providing you with endless hours of musical pleasure.

A professional setup can also save you from the pitfalls that might arise from a lack of experience, ensuring that what might seem like a minor issue doesn’t turn into a major problem. It’s about entrusting your prized possession into capable hands, ensuring it gets the best treatment possible.

Guitar Setup Cost Estimate Table

ServiceEstimated Cost Range (USD)
Basic Setup$50 – $100
Advanced Setup$100 – $200
Fret Leveling$100 – $250
Electronics RepairVaries

Recognizing When Your Guitar Needs A Setup

The whispers of a guitar longing for a setup are subtle, yet discernible to a keen ear and a vigilant eye. Being able to recognize these signs can be the difference between a pleasing musical experience and a frustrating one.

Sound Issues

The first clue often lies in the sound. Is your guitar staying in tune, or does it drift away as you glide along the fretboard? Intonation problems can be a telltale sign that your guitar is yearning for some attention.

A guitar with perfect intonation will stay in tune no matter where you are on the fretboard. If chords sound out of tune or notes don’t seem to be hitting the right pitch, it might be time for a setup.

Buzzing sounds are another common indication. If your strings are buzzing against the frets, it suggests that the action might be too low or the neck may have bowed. These issues can often be resolved with a proper setup, bringing back the sweet, clear tones that make your heart sing.

Physical Strain When Playing Your Guitar

A guitar should feel like an extension of yourself, comfortable, and easy to play. If you find yourself wrestling with the strings to press them down or if the strings are too high off the fretboard, making playing uncomfortable, these are signs of a guitar crying out for a setup.

The ease of playability directly affects your ability to express yourself musically. If the guitar is fighting you, it’s hard to lose yourself in the music.

A visual inspection can also reveal a lot. A neck that appears to be bowed either upward or downward is a clear indication that a setup is needed. Similarly, if the frets are worn down or have divots, it’s time to consider a setup.

DIY Vs Professional Setup

The Importance Of A Proper Guitar Setup

A guitar setup is akin to a spa day for your instrument. It’s about tweaking and adjusting various elements to ensure that it not only sounds heavenly but plays smoothly, too.

Sound Quality

Every strum should resonate with the purity and clarity that the guitar is capable of delivering. A well-set guitar provides better sound quality, which is the essence of a pleasing musical experience. When your guitar is properly set up, the intonation, which is the guitar’s ability to stay in tune all over the neck, is just right.


Ever felt the strain in your fingers after a prolonged session of playing? The ease of playing is significantly enhanced with a proper setup!

The action, which refers to the distance between the strings and the fretboard, should be set at an optimal level. This prevents any buzzing sounds when the strings are plucked and makes it a breeze to glide over the frets and hit those notes just right.

The truss rod adjustment ensures the neck is straight (has the right amount of relief), which is crucial for a good sound. It’s like having a well-oiled machine where every component works in harmony to produce the desired outcome. A well-adjusted truss rod also prevents any undue strain on your fingers.

The nut slots are filed to the correct depth to allow for comfortable playability without string buzz or intonation problems.

All these elements come together to create a seamless bond between you and your guitar, making every strum a delightful affair.


Your guitar is a companion for life. Regular setups help in maintaining its structural integrity, thereby extending its lifespan.

The prevention of wear and tear, especially on the frets, is a significant advantage of regular setups.

Ensuring that the truss rod is correctly adjusted and the action is set right reduces the risk of damages like fret wear, which could lead to costly repairs in the long run. It’s about nurturing a long-term relationship with your beloved instrument, ensuring many more years of musical camaraderie.

Are You Qualified To Make Guitar Adjustments Or Modifications?

A photo of someone polishing the frets on an electric guitar neck

It’s great to work on your guitars, especially if you have a lot of them, but you should always be aware of your limitations.

Adjusting things like an electric guitar’s string height (action) or pickup height can be straightforward. Still, some adjustments require the proper training and experience, like adjusting a guitar’s truss rod.

When you doubt your ability to adjust, repair, or modify your guitar, it’s always best to bring it to a competent guitar technician or luthier (guitar designer & builder). You can permanently damage your guitar, and it might never play and sound right again!

Making modifications to your guitar can void its manufacturer’s warranty and cause permanent damage to the instrument. Certain modifications are irreversible, so you may be stuck with them, even if you desperately want to restore the guitar to its original condition!

I learned that the hard way over the years until I did a three-year apprenticeship in a guitar repair shop. Now I have my own home workshop with the proper training and equipment to safely maintain and repair all my instruments.

Remember: “When In Doubt, Send It Out!”

A Guitar Setup Should Include A New Set Of Strings!

How Often Should You Setup Your Guitar - A new set of guitar strings sitting on top of a Stratocaster

Slipping a new pair of strings onto your cherished guitar is like giving it a fresh voice, a new song to sing. When you decide it’s time to set up your guitar, including a new set of strings is the cherry on top.

New strings are bright, shiny, and ready to sing loud and clear. Over time, old strings lose their sparkle. They get tired and don’t sing as well as before because they collect dirt and grime from your fingers and the air, making them sound dull.

When you put new strings on during a setup, you’re giving your guitar a fresh start. It’s like getting a new haircut that makes you feel fabulous. The new strings will resonate beautifully, making each note come alive.

Getting a new set of strings is a small act, but it makes a big difference. It’s part of the care and love you shower on your guitar to keep the music flowing sweetly.

It really doesn’t make sense to reuse the same set of strings during a setup unless they are relatively new and don’t need to be removed from the guitar during the cleaning and adjustments being done.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions I get asked about guitar setups.

If your question does not appear here, please put it in the comments, and I will get right back to you with an answer.

Where Can I Learn To Do A Guitar Setup Myself?

There are many online resources, tutorials, and books available on guitar setup. Additionally, attending workshops or consulting with a professional luthier can be very informative.

What Is The First Step In Setting Up A Guitar?

The first step usually involves evaluating the current state of your guitar and checking for any visible issues like a warped neck, loose hardware, or fret wear.

Should I Clean My Guitar During A Setup?

Absolutely! Cleaning your guitar is a part of the setup process. It helps in removing grime and maintaining the guitar’s aesthetics and functionality.

Can A Good Setup Improve My Guitar’s Resale Value?

Absolutely! A well-setup guitar is more appealing to buyers as it demonstrates good maintenance and playability.

How Much Should A Basic Guitar Setup Cost?

The cost of a basic guitar setup can vary widely based on geographic location, the specific shop or luthier you go to, and the extent of work your guitar needs. Typically, you might expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $100 for a basic setup.

However, if your guitar requires new parts or additional work, the cost could increase. It’s always a good idea to get a clear estimate of the cost before agreeing to the setup, ensuring that you’re comfortable with the price and the work that will be done.

How Long Does A Guitar Setup Take?

A guitar setup’s duration can vary based on the extent of adjustments needed, ranging anywhere from an hour to several hours. It can take longer if there are issues that require more attention, like fret leveling or electronic repairs. While a basic setup could be quicker and a thorough setup might take extra time, it’s well worth it for achieving the best playability and tone from your guitar.

The Bottom Line

Understanding “How Often Should You Setup Your Guitar” is like unlocking the secret to keeping your beloved instrument in harmony. A well-tuned guitar is a joy to play and is crucial for a captivating musical journey.

The magic number for setting up your guitar could be every three to six months, especially if you play it a lot. If your guitar is older or if it faces the whims of changing seasons, it might ask for a setup more frequently, perhaps every three to four months. It’s all about tuning in to your guitar’s needs.

A proper setup ensures your guitar sounds divine and plays smoothly. It corrects any buzzing sounds, adjusts the string height for comfortable play, and makes sure every note hits the right pitch. Whether you choose to dive into the DIY setup adventure or seek the expertise of a professional, each setup nurtures the bond between you and your guitar.

Every setup is a step towards musical perfection, a dance of adjustments that bring out the best in your guitar. So, keep a keen ear, feel the strings, and let the music guide you on when it’s time for that next setup.


Here’s a great video from StewMac that shows you six techniques to make your guitar sound better. Check it out!

Please Tell Me What You Think!

Please leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article, have any questions about guitar setups, or want to give your point of view. I will be happy to help you.

  • How often do you set up your guitar(s)?
  • Do you do your own guitar setups or bring your instrument to a guitar tech?
  • Did reading this article change your approach to guitar setups?
  • What else is on your mind?

Your experiences, insights, and adventures in the world of guitar setups are a treasure trove waiting to be shared. Dive into the comments section and share your tales, tips, or even the challenges you’ve faced in setting up your guitar.

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4 thoughts on “How Often Should You Setup Your Guitar: Key Facts Revealed!”

  1. Hey Susie,

    That was a very thorough and comprehensive article, it seems that you’re not only very passionate about guitars but you’re also very knowledgable about them.

    Here’s the thing. I’m thinking about playing the guitar and, as an engineering graduate, I find the physics of the guitar strings to be very intriguing! I’d love to know more about it. Have you written an article that touches upon something of this sort?

    • Hi, Yusuf

      I’m really psyched you liked the article!

      There’s not anything that goes into depth on the physics of guitar strings, but if you search the site for “string,” you’ll find some interesting info.

      On the musical side, grab a guitar, and you’ll be amazed at how much fun it is!

      All the Best!

  2. Hi Susie,

    I really enjoyed your article about guitar setups. The way you describe it as a “spa day” for the instrument is so relatable and fun! I’ve always wondered how often I should set up my guitar, and your insights on the factors influencing setup frequency were very informative.

    Now, here’s a question based on your article: How do you recommend storing a guitar to minimize the effects of changing environmental conditions, especially for those of us who don’t have a controlled environment?

    Looking forward to more guitar-related wisdom from you!


    • Hi Hanna

      So glad you liked the article!

      Guitar setups are important, especially if you live in an area with seasonal climate changes. It makes me happy to know you’re thinking about it.

      Generally speaking, it’s best not to store a guitar when you could be playing it! Lol

      Temperature and humidity control are key considerations, especially for acoustic instruments. Check out the article on this site on storing guitars for everything you need to know. You can find it in the search box.

      Keep On Playing! 


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